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Using Astrology To Identify Your Personal Low/High Days

In my last blog post I told you all about my success with pain management using affirmations. I said I'd mention how I foresaw the pain/issue coming in this post.

Here's how you can see when you may be more susceptible to picking up and or releasing spiritual/physical ailments and garbage using Traditional/Hellenistic Astrology.

Disclaimer: you'll need to have a basic understanding of Hellenistic Astrology to follow along. If you're loosely familiar with the Jyotish/Vedic Dasha periods then you'll grasp this very easily.

For a 50 min Introduction to Hellenistic (Traditional) Astrology with me, schedule this service here:

The Part of Fortune in Astrology represents worldly success and is associated with the physical body and health as well (to include aliments, accidents and things that befall you, dumb luck --things beyond your control).

Calculate your part of fortune placement HERE

Go to

benefic = considered to have a favorable influence

Venus in a Night Chart, Jupiter in a Day Chart

malefic = considered to have an unfavorable influence

Saturn in a Night Chart, Mars in a Day Chart

This is what the chart will look like:

Next, scroll down and you'll see the Zodiacal Releasing periods below the chart

Level 1 = Decades/ Centuries - the Books

Level 2 = Years - the Chapters

Level 3 = Months - the Paragraphs

Level 4 = Days - the Sentences

(not included) Level 5 = Hours - the Words

Level 6 = Minutes - the Letters

Going back to our chart above, our Night Chart, it's safe to say the days which Saturn [most malefic] in Libra are activated may be more physically/emotionally low and require more rest and patience. Events and circumstances can be less than desirable. (beginning 26 Oct. 2020 - ending 28 Oct. 2020).

Additional moderate and mildly LOW Days may include Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius & Cancer Days

-Aries is a cardinal sign, angular to Libra

-Capricorn is a cardinal sign, angular to Libra - but also ruled by Saturn (these days will feel significantly low)

-Aquarius is ruled by Saturn

-Cancer is a cardinal sign, angular to Libra

Alternatively, days which Venus [most benefic] in Leo are activated may be more physically/emotionally high, comfortable and require less effort or energy to accomplish tasks (beginning Oct. 18 2020 - ending Oct. 22 2020).

Additional moderate and mildly HIGH Days may include Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius & Libra Days

-Taurus is a fixed sign, angular to Leo, but also ruled by Venus (these days will feel significantly high)

-Scorpio is a fixed sign, angular to Leo

-Aquarius is fixed sign, angular to Leo, but also ruled by Saturn (this can be a mixed low/high day)

-Libra is ruled by Venus (this can be a mixed low/high day as Saturn is in this sign)

Did you make it this far? Are you confused?

That's why you hire astrology nerds like myself to do all the calculations and interpretations for you. I've got you covered.

Want to know what your personal high/low days are to maximize your goals and glide through those emotionally physically sensitive days?

Schedule your Monthly Insights

Request your high and low days and I'll include them in each session along with your Lunar Return reading

Seize your highs and ride out your lows



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